Heres 3 finished but not framed...
I then started number 4 on the same fabric as Postcard 2, I used lots of yarns from a variety bag from Textere Yarns.
The stitches in this sampler:
Chain in DMC 257
Couched turquise wool with Chain in blue sewing cotton
Couched blue ribbon with DMC 1076 leading to:
Ceylon in various yarns including texere, Madeira Metallic 365 and turquoise wool
tacked at bottom with the turquoise wool
Cross in a thick texere yarn
Detached Chain Flowers in DMC 518
Couching in texere yarns
Chain in DMC 703 and DMC
Pale blue ribbon attached with Running Stitch in DMC 703
Detached Chain and Straight in a metallic yarn from texere pack
Threaded Double Backstitch in DMC 518 and orange ribbon
Cable Chain in a texere yarn
Magic Chain in DMC 185 and DMC 518
Couched green ribbon with DMC 257 leading to:
Buttonhole Filling stitch - Open in various yarns from the texere pack
tacked at the bottom with DMC 518 which also couched a fringe texere yarn.
Since I'm enjoying the embroidery samplers so much I thought I'd try to follow Sharon B's 'Take a Stitch Tuesday' (TAST) challenge from 2008. Its obviously a year out of date, so I can't join the flickr group or work on the same stitches as other stitchers around the world, but I can enjoy the exploration none the less...!
So Week 1 (from January last year...)!
So I started with Herringbone in DMC 257
Herringbone Ladder (not technically Herringbone but looks similar so I threw it in!) with DMC 75 and DMC 3805.
Herringbone - Closed in DMC 125 (variegated green)